1.相应起点课程相应前置学历毕业证原件或复印件 Original or copy of the corresponding pre-academic diploma of the corresponding starting course
2.广美-威尔士艺术与设计国际学院报名登记表 UWTSD-GAFA International College of Art and Design Registration Form
3.身份证复印件正反面 ID card copy front and back
4.小一寸白底或蓝底照片两张 Two small one-inch white background or blue background photos
5.个人陈述、简历 Personal statement, resume
6.推荐信 Recommendation
7.英语证明扫描件 Scanning copy of the English certificate
8.作品集或辅助文件 Portios or auxiliary files
Note: The above application materials are compiled into compressed documents (file name: name + application course + date) and sent to the official email address of Guangmei-Wales International School of Art and Design: uwtsd-gafa@hotmail.com